Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Someone Get the Stork a Sat Nav

I realise that to say I have neglected this blog is an understatement. My friend Mrs B has now shamed me into logging on and writing a post, as she has written so many more than me.

Unfortunately, my priorites have gone out of the window, and selfishly I have been a bit busy thinking about my myself, feeling fed up and just generally cursing the rest of the world.

Yes, I have not been what one might describe as the best of company.

My husband has been most understanding, especially when I am feeling really irritable and take it out on him.

My excuse? I am still pregnant.

It was bad enough reaching 40 weeks. As D - Day approached I finally started to feel relieved that it would all be over soon and I would get to meet my baby. The idea that I wouldn't have to suffer through any more heartburn, backache, cramp, frequent toilet trips and other delightful side effects got me through the last few days whilst I repeated a mantra to myself "not long now".

Unfortunately my baby has other plans. D - Day came and went and no baby. I might as well add here that my body has been giving me the odd signs that labour might be approaching such as the cramp and the backache but then it seems to change it's mind.

My mother came to the conclusion that just because my sister gave birth on her due date, then I would too. If not, I would certainly give birth within a couple of days. My due date (should you have forgotten) was 24th April. We are now on the 27the April. And there is still no sign of baby. The cramp is uncomfortable and constant. The tiredness doesn't ease off no matter how well I slept the night before and quite frankly, I am desperate. I am fed up, irritable and bored.

I finished work three and a half weeks ago, thinking that the baby would be here on or around it's due date. Of course, I don't actually think there's a chance that I could actually physically work now because believe it or not, being nearly 41 weeks pregnant is actually quite demanding. Even working the last couple of weeks was a struggle and I was looking forward to when I could finish for good.

Now, I feel bored and fed up. I am reluctant to go out, because not only am I terrified that labour might start in public it's actually quite painful to walk when you've got a full term baby dancing on your bladder. I stay at home for most of the day, and thankfully, whilst the weather has been nice it has meant I can enjoy the sun and read a few books rather than frying my brain with constant re runs of Jeremy Kyle and other day time telly trash. All I can say is thank God for authors like Jodi Picoult who actually make you think when you read their books otherwise, I don't think I would still be able to string a sentence together.

So, basically, on Saturday I will be one week late. On Friday I have an appointment with the midwife to see if we can get things kickstarted. At the same time I will also have an appointment made for an induction the following week. None of these procedures sound pleasant, and whilst I would rather baby had a helping hand rather than suffer another uncomfortable, irritable week, I was also quite hopeful that baby would come on her own. But currently, at 40 weeks plus 3 days I find the chances of this happening very slim.

Obviously, the Stork got lost. If it can make it here before Friday I would be really grateful. And if anyone's seen it flying around aimlessly, could they please get it a Sat Nav?

1 comment:

  1. Come on baby, get out of there!!!

    On another note ... your lack of posting should not make you feel guilty. It is indicative of the fact that you have a life. I, however, do not. That is why I post so much rubbish.

    Much love xxx
