Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lushed Up And Liking It

Well, today is Thursday and it’s, what two days since my first blog? Considering how my very disorganised friend has managed to write two more since her first (very funny) blog I’ve got some catching up to do….

Yesterday, I decided to have a bath. There’s no reason why you should find this interesting, but why don’t you just humour me because, in my house, a bath is a BIG event.

Let’s put it like this. In reality I’m probably what you might call quite a sad person. I have two best friends. I work 9 – 5 (most days) and when I’m not working I’m sorting out my customers trying ever so hard not to lose patience with the ones who are never home. I very rarely go out in the evenings and is it just me, or has TV got really boring over the last few months? Not only that, but being six months pregnant does have its downside such as bad heartburn and a back that never stops aching. Roll on April, that’s all I can say. Anyway, getting back to the point, sometimes, I feel like a bath and when I feel like a bath, out comes the book I’m currently reading, the bathroom door gets locked and no one sees me for two hours or sometimes even longer. Seriously. The first time we went on holiday with my husband’s family, his aunt thought I’d drowned.

BUT, my very good friend, Mrs B, introduced me to this fantastic shop called Lush, which makes bath time so much more fun! (Imagine a child at Christmas…) I start off with running the water before getting out my lovely smelling bubble bar and crumbling some of that under the tap to get lots and lots of lovely smelling bubbles. Once I’ve been in for a good couple of hours, out comes the soap, then the shower scrub, before I finally get out, dry myself down and rub some sparkly massage bar all over me. Yes, before bed. And yes, it does make me sparkly, but who cares? The truth is I didn’t actually realise that the massage bar was sparkly before I bought it, but shhhh, no one needs to know, do they? Besides, it smells very nice. And it makes me feel good and at the end of the day, that’s the most important thing, isn’t it?

The only trouble is, by the time I’m done, the whole of the upstairs floor smells like a Lush store but at least it means we don't have to buy air freshener….

Today I woke up feeling very excited at the thought I was going to get to drive again after three weeks. Due to the snow and ice over Christmas and in January we felt it would be safer for me not to drive, and no, this wasn’t because I would be putting other drivers at risk (you were thinking it!). Being six months pregnant we were both worried about what damage a fall could do so we felt the bus was a safer option as it would drop me off straight in town.

Even then it was still a nightmare having to navigate the slippery pavements. If I was an accomplished ice skater wearing a pair of ice skates I would have been just fine, but like the rest of the nation, I had to resort to baby steps, hanging on to ridiculously low walls whilst slipping and sliding without much dignity back and forth from work.

So you can imagine how thrilled I was to find out that most of the ice had completely thawed yesterday and the pavements were finally safe to walk on. Not only that, but it meant, after three weeks, I could finally drive to work. I went to bed last night, completely chilled out thanks to my Lush filled two hours and content with the idea that I wouldn’t have to worry about running for the bus or breaking my neck.

And what happens this morning? I wake up to find that once again the town has turned white overnight. AGAIN! Haven’t we had enough? I spent about ten minutes ranting and raving to myself about the snow and the Council’s lack of action before I realised that (a) I’d better get a move on because I would not only be subjecting myself to the ice and snow again, but I’d also be late for work and (b) the snow wasn’t as bad as I’d originally thought and it would be perfectly safe for me to drive.

All I can say is thank the Lord that it has completely thawed out again and we don’t have to suffer through another week like the one we’ve just had. I honestly don’t think I could do it all over again. It’s bad enough getting stressed out when you get to work. It’s even worse when you get stressed out thinking about how the hell you’re going to get to work in the first place.

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