Tuesday, January 12, 2010

24, Married and Pregnant

OK, so here I am writing my first ever (non fictional) blog. My friend thought it would be a good idea for me as a wannabe writer and she says I would be very good at it. Me, I'm not so sure. She has been convinced from day one that I am a good writer and now I am displaying my writing skills for all the world to see I think it will get to the point where I will actually get kicked off blog sites like these because my writing is that bad.

My friend on the other hand IS a good writer and she doesn't believe me. Let me state for the record that I have always believed she should attempt to write a book which I also think will be far better than anything I can ever come up with.

Anyway, seeing how this blog is supposed to be about me, I'd better start writing about me, although why anyone would actually be interested in me and my life is beyond me. But, hypothetically, let's pretend I have a very keen following so at least I can try and work out how to make my oh so boring life sound really cool and exciting.

Here are the facts. I am 24 years old, married and six months pregnant (which I cannot still quite believe). I work sort of full time at a solicitors office and I am an Avon Rep. Cue Avon Calling jokes.

So it all depends on what you want to know. My job is a job. It's not a career and it's not exactly what you would call fulfilling and rewarding. But it is a job which is something considering the current economic climate. And the added bonus is that I actually sort of enjoy it.

It is possible to sort of enjoy a job. I like the company of the people I work with. The work I do is challenging and although I might have days where I hate everyone from my bosses to the clients, on a general day to day basis, it's not bad as far as jobs go.

On the side I am an Avon Rep which is quite rewarding if you get a good area with good customers, which I seem to have. It can get a bit repetitve at times and I'm sure anyone else would feel the same if they had to do the same thing over and over again but it sort of works like this. You take your brochures out, you collect them back in. You take the next lot out and collect those back in. You take them out again...well, you get the picture. Then you gather all your orders and send them in to Avon before the deadline. The actual delivery comes one week later when you have to package all your orders up and take them out to your customers. And don't forget, Avon only works if you put the effort in which means, wind, rain, or in the current weather situation, snow and ice, you go out regardless. And then once you've actually taken your deliveries out the whole routine starts again.

I'm not exactly selling Avon as a good business venture, am I? But it's worth it for the commission you get out of it, and you have a bit of a banter with the customers which is always a bit of a laugh.

And the third and final thing you want to know about me? I'm six months pregnant and loving (almost) every minute of it. Let's put it like this; dashing to the toilet every moring for eighteen weeks to chuck up your breakfast is not my idea of fun. Feeling hungry even when you've eaten which then makes you sick? Sounds lovely. But once I managed to get past the first eighteen weeks it's actually kind of been fun. Feeling the baby move. Finding out the sex. Hearing it's heartbeat. Buying baby clothes.

To cut a long story short, the due date is April 24th and my husband and I feel that it can't come round fast enough. Sods law says though, after the baby is born we'll be craving this time where we actually had a bit of peace and quiet!

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